The goal is to find the MAC address of these devices and copy it to your Xbox.
It’s something expected – like a mobile phone or a laptop. This is basically any device that you ordinarily use to connect to the wireless connection of a hotel. This one requires several steps, but is easy enough to follow. It’s no different from what you would ordinarily do at home to connect to your private WiFi. Look for the wireless connection of the hotel and just enter the password you’ve been given. Just go to Network and Connect to a New Network. Those who have newer versions of the model can also connect the console through its Settings menu. Straightforward Connection via the Xbox Settings If for some reason this technique doesn’t let you connect the device, you can try the other methods offered here. This is by far the easiest method available and should be the first thing you try before anything else. The Xbox browser now has a feature that allows you to access the hotel’s sign in page and enter the password through there. The good news is that Microsoft has been made aware of the difficulty of connecting their gaming console to hotel WiFi – which is why they made some changes to their setup.